AVOID these mistakes to build the Right Resume for a Tech Job

Kritika Sharma
8 min readFeb 1, 2023

From my experience as a Hiring Manager(former full-stack developer).

.Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

So as a hiring manager, every now and then I spend a good portion of my day reviewing resumes, and trust me, after having reviewed a couple hundred resumes, I have found some very common mistakes that a lot of people do, and that compelled me to write this article. Let me let you in on a little secret, just between you and me, do you know, how much time it takes me(or other hiring managers) to look at a resume and decide if we want this person on our team or not? 20–30 seconds, yes! I’m not kidding!

Let’s start off by discussing these common mistakes, and what you should not do, and then we’re going to move on to discuss what you should do while creating your resume.

Mistake #1: Lengthy Resumes

Some people think that resumes are an opportunity for them to write an essay about themselves, which by the way is not true. Now that I’ve already told you the limited amount of time hiring managers have to scan through a resume, do you think they have the time to read each and everything on your resume? This one time, I received a resume that was about six pages in length. And the hilarious part was that this person did not even have any work experience. Now I know what you are…



Kritika Sharma

Tech PM/Web Dev by profession, Learner by Passion. I write to promote financial literacy, share technical insights, and career advancement tips that I learn!:)